Measure Your Kitchen

The possibilities for your next kitchen really are limitless. Here are some tips to help you zero in on what you truly like.


1. Sketch an Outline of Your Kitchen

Label each wall with a number or letter for easier reference in future design and planning discussions. Precise scale isn’t important. Take pictures of each wall and closer shots detailing any obstructions. This helps your designer visualize the things you’ve noted on your drawing.

2. Locate Openings and Obstructions

Mark the general location of any windows, door openings and obstructions like radiators or structural posts.

3. Locate Appliances

Mark the general location of your sink and range.

4. Grab a Tape Measure

Measure the full width of each wall from corner to corner. Jot down the measurements (in inches) on your drawing.

5. Measure for Openings and Obstructions

After you’ve measured the overall width, go back and measure the locations of all the openings and obstructions you’ve already marked.

  • Measure windows and doors from the outside edge of the trim on one side to the outside edge of trim on the other. Note the height of each opening too.
  • Also measure from the nearest wall/corner to the center of each window and door.

6. Locate any Utilities

Identify all water supply and drain lines, gas lines, electric outlets and HVAC vents. If you can’t see the gas line behind the range, for example, measure to the center of the range. The gas line will be located nearby.

7. Measure the Height of your Room.

If you have soffits, the part of the ceiling that drops down to meet the top of your upper cabinets, get both floor-to-ceiling and floor-to-soffit measurements.